About Us
Quality Group Limited

Quality Group Limited's
Quality Glass & Aluminium
With over 30 years’ experience in Glass and Aluminium Industry, we have seen the demand for this market and have decided to establish our very own Quality Glass and Aluminium products and services.
Quality Glass and Aluminium’s success so far has been possible through the contribution, support and loyalty of our dedicated professionals.
Together with staff (past & present), customers and suppliers, we have developed valued relationships in this short term and looking forward to having many more on board.
Supported by our contemporary manufacturing facilities, strong management, dedicated and capable staff, we look forward to future opportunities and growth with great optimism.
Defining Who We Are
Quality Glass and Aluminum see ourselves growing in the near future to become successful in manufacturing, fabrication, processing and installation of a diverse range of products, and hopefully become PNG’s leading integrated glass and aluminum manufacturer and contractor.
Defining Our Brand
Our new brandmark and positioning will simultaneously reflect the Glass and Aluminum business and propel us into our exciting future. Our new brandmark also reflects our values – the things we want the nation to associate with us. These are the qualities we demonstrate at Quality Group Limited in order to be the best we can be. Our new brandmark has been developed with the structure of the Company in mind, and its ability to create unique solutions and products to the same high standards. The overall strength of the single logo is a direct link to that of the overarching Quality Group of Companies structure and the divisions within. The logo has the ability to include influences and segments that join to form one solid mark.
Defining Our Products
Quality Glass and Aluminum is a dynamic company focused on providing value for money solutions through the diversity of glass and aluminum products. With such all our diverse range of products, it is vital that we understand our customer’s requirements so we can confidently and effectively source the most appropriate product solution.
Our Vision
Your Satisfaction,
Our Priority!
Our VISION is to offer our customers value for money products, all of which are backed by the core ideals of quality, integrity and honesty.
Our Mission
Manufacturing Excellence, Leading the Industry!
Our MISSION is to be an experienced leading industry and a strong investment company to enhance our manufacturing capabilities.